FOTO: Návrh na rekonštrukciu Notre-Dame prekvapil: Súhlasili by ste?

NETKY.SK • 13 Máj 2019, 11:35 • 2 min
FOTO: Návrh na rekonštrukciu Notre-Dame prekvapil: Súhlasili by ste?

Známy architekt Vincent Callebaut predstavil svoj návrh rekonštrukcie ohňom zničenej katedrály Notre-Dame, mnohí s ním však stotožnení nie sú.


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15. apríla postihla Paríž veľmi nepríjemná udalosť. Jednu z najznámejších historických pamiatok pohltili plamene a nenávratne ju poškodili. Táto tragédia zarmútila celý svet a postupne sa začali ozývať štáty, organizácie aj jednotlivci, ktorí chcú finančnou čiastkou prispieť na rekonštrukciu. Sponzorov je dosť, momentálne je potrebné zvoliť vhodný návrh, podľa ktorého sa katedrála začne obnovovať. Jeden z nich predstavil aj prestížny architekt Vincent Callebaut.



"PALINGENESIS, TRIBUTE TO NOTRE-DAME" advocates for an exemplary project in ecological engineering that feels true to its time and avoids a pastiche architecture that turns the city into an open-air museum. Circular economy, renewable energies, inclusive social innovation, urban agriculture farm, protection of biodiversity, without forgetting beauty and spiritual elevation: our design proposal feeds on such values to deliver a deep, conscious meaning. From primitive Gothic in the 12th century to its restoration by Viollet-le Duc in the 19th century , through the radiant Gothic of the 13th century and the flamboyant Gothic of the 14th century, Notre-Dame cathedral undoubtedly arises from centuries of work and multi-faceted inspiration. As such, it is hardy encumbered by useless musings about the overlapping styles inherent in the building. Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone. Thus do the beavers, thus do the bees, thus do people. Victor Hugo • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) . . . Click on the link in our bio to discover the projet in details ☝️☝️☝️ . . . #notredame #notredamedeparis #notredamecathedral #paris #parisfrance #rebuildnotredame #circulareconomy #crosslaminatedtimber #woodenstructure #clt #solarglass #photovoltaic #renewableenergy #climatechange #urbanfarming #garden #spirituality #ecological #urbanagriculture #biodiversity #socialinnovation #beauty #gothic #forest #victorhugo #catholic #tribute #green

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Vincent Callebaut Architect (@vincentcallebautarchitectures),

Callebaut je známy tým, že sa zameriava na takzvané zelené stavby. Ide o architektúru fungujúcu na základe udržateľných princípov, pričom používa stavebné materiály, ktoré zanechávajú minimálnu uhlíkovú stopu. Jeho návrh na rekonštrukciu historickej stavby však mnohých prekvapil.



"PALINGENESIS, TRIBUTE TO NOTRE-DAME" advocates for an exemplary project in ecological engineering that feels true to its time and avoids a pastiche architecture that turns the city into an open-air museum. Circular economy, renewable energies, inclusive social innovation, urban agriculture farm, protection of biodiversity, without forgetting beauty and spiritual elevation: our design proposal feeds on such values to deliver a deep, conscious meaning. From primitive Gothic in the 12th century to its restoration by Viollet-le Duc in the 19th century , through the radiant Gothic of the 13th century and the flamboyant Gothic of the 14th century, Notre-Dame cathedral undoubtedly arises from centuries of work and multi-faceted inspiration. As such, it is hardy encumbered by useless musings about the overlapping styles inherent in the building. Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone. Thus do the beavers, thus do the bees, thus do people. Victor Hugo • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) . . . Click on the link in our bio to discover the projet in details ☝️☝️☝️ . . . #notredame #notredamedeparis #notredamecathedral #paris #parisfrance #rebuildnotredame #circulareconomy #crosslaminatedtimber #woodenstructure #clt #solarglass #photovoltaic #renewableenergy #climatechange #urbanfarming #garden #spirituality #ecological #urbanagriculture #biodiversity #socialinnovation #beauty #gothic #forest #victorhugo #catholic #tribute #green

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Vincent Callebaut Architect (@vincentcallebautarchitectures),

Novú strechu Notre-Dame by malo tvoriť predovšetkým sklo, ktoré v danej podobe pôsobí mierne futuristicky. Drevená konštrukcia by mala plynulým stúpaním vytvárať vežu, ktorá by suplovala tú pôvodnú. Strecha by mala obsahovať akýsi sklenený kosoštvorec obsahujúci špeciálnu vrstvu z uhlíka, dusíka, vodíka a kyslíka. Tie premenia svetlo na energiu, ktorá bude použitá na výrobu energie v rámci katedrály.



"PALINGENESIS, TRIBUTE TO NOTRE-DAME" advocates for an exemplary project in ecological engineering that feels true to its time and avoids a pastiche architecture that turns the city into an open-air museum. Circular economy, renewable energies, inclusive social innovation, urban agriculture farm, protection of biodiversity, without forgetting beauty and spiritual elevation: our design proposal feeds on such values to deliver a deep, conscious meaning. From primitive Gothic in the 12th century to its restoration by Viollet-le Duc in the 19th century , through the radiant Gothic of the 13th century and the flamboyant Gothic of the 14th century, Notre-Dame cathedral undoubtedly arises from centuries of work and multi-faceted inspiration. As such, it is hardy encumbered by useless musings about the overlapping styles inherent in the building. Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone. Thus do the beavers, thus do the bees, thus do people. Victor Hugo • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) . . . Click on the link in our bio to discover the projet in details ☝️☝️☝️ . . . #notredame #notredamedeparis #notredamecathedral #paris #parisfrance #rebuildnotredame #circulareconomy #crosslaminatedtimber #woodenstructure #clt #solarglass #photovoltaic #renewableenergy #climatechange #urbanfarming #garden #spirituality #ecological #urbanagriculture #biodiversity #socialinnovation #beauty #gothic #forest #victorhugo #catholic #tribute #green

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Vincent Callebaut Architect (@vincentcallebautarchitectures),

Pod sklenenou strechou plánuje architekt aj akúsi mestskú záhradu, kde by okrem relaxu bolo možné pestovať aj ovocie či zeleninu.


„Kruhové hospodárstvo, obnoviteľné energie, inkluzívna sociálna inovácia, mestské poľnohospodárstvo, ochrana biodiverzity bez zabudnutia na krásu a duchovné povznesenie (…) Náš projekt rekonštrukcie sa opiera o tieto hodnoty, aby priniesol hlboký a vedomý význam,“ povedal pre My Modern Met Vincent Callebaut. 



"PALINGENESIS, TRIBUTE TO NOTRE-DAME" advocates for an exemplary project in ecological engineering that feels true to its time and avoids a pastiche architecture that turns the city into an open-air museum. Circular economy, renewable energies, inclusive social innovation, urban agriculture farm, protection of biodiversity, without forgetting beauty and spiritual elevation: our design proposal feeds on such values to deliver a deep, conscious meaning. From primitive Gothic in the 12th century to its restoration by Viollet-le Duc in the 19th century , through the radiant Gothic of the 13th century and the flamboyant Gothic of the 14th century, Notre-Dame cathedral undoubtedly arises from centuries of work and multi-faceted inspiration. As such, it is hardy encumbered by useless musings about the overlapping styles inherent in the building. Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone. Thus do the beavers, thus do the bees, thus do people. Victor Hugo • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) . . . Click on the link in our bio to discover the projet in details ☝️☝️☝️ . . . #notredame #notredamedeparis #notredamecathedral #paris #parisfrance #rebuildnotredame #circulareconomy #crosslaminatedtimber #woodenstructure #clt #solarglass #photovoltaic #renewableenergy #climatechange #urbanfarming #garden #spirituality #ecological #urbanagriculture #biodiversity #socialinnovation #beauty #gothic #forest #victorhugo #catholic #tribute #green

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Vincent Callebaut Architect (@vincentcallebautarchitectures),

Z ekologického i architektonického hľadiska ide o mimoriadne zaujímavé riešenie, no je otázne, či ide o nápad vhodný pre historickú katedrálu.




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