FOTO + VIDEO Šok pre potápačov: Pri pobreží Havaja spozorovali jedného z najväčších žralokov modrých, o akých je záznam!

NETKY.SK • 18 Január 2019, 06:46 • 2 min
FOTO + VIDEO Šok pre potápačov: Pri pobreží Havaja spozorovali jedného z najväčších žralokov modrých, o akých je záznam!

LOS ANGELES - Obrovského žraloka modrého - jedného z najväčších zaznamenaných - spozorovali potápači pri pobreží Havajských ostrovov.


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@oceanramsey gently guides one of the largest documented #GreatWhiteSharks away from our @oneoceandiving shark research boat in #HAWAII #Oahu The first great white shark I ever swam with was in 2005 off my home #Haleiwa with a similarly large great #whiteshark who also rocked the boat I was on at the time working with sharks. I guess I am lucky that history repeats and not much has changed which made me confident but not complacent during this encounter but what has changed is shark populations are severely declining but for the first time ever I’ve seen this huge shift in perception in the last 5 years mostly due to imagery and the work that @oceanramsey and the team at #oneoceandiving and @oneoceandiving program and conservation and research division does (with people like @mermaid_kayleigh and ). I hope my conservation images like this help people to question their perceptions and realize the beauty, and importance of sharks and I hope that they inspire the kind of compassion and connection we need to have with nature and sharks, to help protect them and #coexist along side them. You don’t have to love them but they do need to exist, they are absolutely critical for the health of marine ecosystems which all life relies on. Yesterday I filled up 500gb with just photos so many more videos and photos to share from this incredible encounter that lasted al day. #grateful #helpsavesharks #savesharks #sharks #shark #discoversharks #greatwhiteshark #sealegacy #oneoceanconservation #greatwhiteshakhawaii #whitesharkhawaii

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Juan Oliphant #JuanSharks (@juansharks),


Najnovšie spozorovaný dravec sa nečakane objavil v utorok 15. januára a pripojil sa k ďalším žralokom, ktoré sa kŕmili mŕtvym vorvaňom tuponosým pri pobreží havajského ostrova Oahu.



PHOTO BY @juansharks 😍😱🤭😳😍 Maybe my fav photo of me (@oceanramsey) and Shark ohana 🦈 of all time so far 😳😍😱 It’s so hard to choose, so many beautiful moments I am so eternally grateful for sharks please help save them. I am without words and at the same time I think I never stop speaking up for sharks, I am grateful beyond measure for my experiences and what they have taught me. This photo was taken yesterday off my home waters of Oahu, Hawaii when hey Shark I think I’ve met previously in Isla Guadalupe graced us with her big beautiful incredible presence 💙 I headed out with my team from @oneoceandiving (my ❤️ @juansharks ) and @mermaid_kayleigh @camgrantphotography for a day I will never forget. I’ve been trying to get the bill re-introduced in Hawaii to ban the purposeful killing of sharks and rays and this just feels like the biggest sign to keep pushing forward for more protection for them. Shark populations around the planet are severely declined. They need protection from targeted shark fishing for shark been soup and sport fishing. Please speak up in your own community and help support international efforts. #helpsavesharks #savesharks #shark #greatwhiteshark #sharks #oceanramseyandgreatwhite #oceanramseygreatwhite PHOTO BY #JUANSHARKS #Sharkphotographer #Sharkarma #savetheocean #instagood Join me at my team to learn about sharks OneOceanDiving.Com @oneoceanresearch @oneoceanconservation @oneoceaneducation @oneoceanglobal @oneoceanhawaii @waterinspired New conservation benefit tiger shark biomimicry wetsuit by @xcelwetsuits #instagram #discoversharks #instagood #ocean #incredible #amazing #beautiful Photo by @juansharks 😘😍❤️🦈❤️

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa 🌊 Save Our Oceans 🌊 (@underwaterstuffs),

"Videli sme niekoľko žralokov tigrích a potom sa zrazu objavila ona a všetky ostatné žraloky sa rozpŕchli. Začala sa obtierať o náš čln," uviedla potápačka Ocean Ramseyová, keď opisovala neobyčajné stretnutie pre denník Honolulu Star Adviser. "Bola jednoducho len veľkým, krásnym, nežným obrom, ktorý chcel náš čln využiť ako miesto na obtieranie, poškrabkanie," dodala Ramseyová, ktorá plávala so žralokom celý deň a urobila úchvatné zábery. "Začali sme sa potápať na svitaní a ona s nami zostala veľkú väčšinu dňa," doplnila potápačka.



By @oceanramsey “What it’s like to lock eyes with a great white as it slowly and directly approaches me is a feeling I’ve been fortunate to experience many times before but how’s the rough toothed dolphin escort too 😱❤️🦈❤️ I can’t say enough about the importance of sharks for healthy marine ecosystems, for the ocean, we need sharks and yet, perhaps because of the negative and inaccurate way they are portrayed in mass media many people do not care that they are being killed at a rate of 70,000,000-100,000,000 every year! What’s worse, they are killed mostly just for #sharkfinsoup or for #sharkfishing as #sharksportfishing I would encourage you to take a look at the above hashtags and see the cruelty and waste and compare it to this reality of peaceful and respectful coexistence. #helpsavesharks #savetheocean I do not encourage people to do this. I’ve been working with sharks for over 15 years, over 30 species including white sharks all around the world. They are #apexpredatornotmonster not puppies...but this was the gentlest grandma great #whiteshark ive ever met ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Deepest gratitude for my team and the incredible shot I will cherish forever @camgrantphotography Freediving this morning with @oneoceandiving #oneoceanohana @juansharks ❤️ @mermaid_kayleigh 💙 🌅🦈 @oneoceanhawaii @waterinspired @oneoceanconservation @oneoceaneducation @oneoceanglobal @travelcoffeeandsharks @discoversharks Fins @cressi1946 #tigersharkwetsuit by @xcelwetsuits 💙🦈💙 #greatwhitehawaii #divewithsharks #greatwhitesharks #oceanramsey #oneoceandiving #ocean #sharks #instagram #instagood #today #amazing #beautiful #madeofocean #teamoneocean “

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey),

Podľa Ramseyovej samica, údajne najmenej 50-ročná s hmotnosťou okolo 2,5 tony, bola "šokujúco obrovská" a zrejme bola gravidná. Žraloky modré sa pri pobreží Havajských ostrovov vyskytujú zriedkavo, pretože voda je tam príliš teplá.


"Tmavomodrú", ktorá má aj svoj vlastný účet na Twitteri a pred niekoľkými rokmi sa stala hrdinkou dokumentárneho filmu, v minulosti pozorovali okolo ostrova Guadalupe pri pobreží Mexika.




Autor: Karnišová Lucia

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