FOTO Odhoďte šaty a staňte sa slobodnejšími. Zacvičte si nahú jogu!

NETKY.SK • 18 December 2015, 18:09 • 2 min
FOTO Odhoďte šaty a staňte sa slobodnejšími. Zacvičte si nahú jogu!

BRATISLAVA - Toto je niečo pre milovníkov jogy.


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Zabudnite na prísne pravidlá! Na sociálnej sieti sa objavili vkusné čierno-biele zábery, ktoré nafotil 25-ročný anonym.  


Účet bol vytvorený len pred 5 týždňami a už má 93 tisíc sledovateľov. Milovníci jogy, odhoďte šaty a vyskúšajte rôzne polohy jogy. Cieľom týchto fotografií nie je, aby boli vnímané ako atraktivita ženského nahého tela, ale aby ľudí inšpirovali k zdravšiemu a šťastnejšiemu životu. 


Mnoho ľudí má veľký problém, že na svojom tele vidia veľa chýb a nemajú radi svoje telo. Joga pomôže prijať vaše telo presne také, aké je. Účtom na sociálnej sieti chcel majiteľ poukázať a inšpirovať ľudí, aby si uvedomili, že každý je krásny a schopný robiť úžasné veci so svojím telom. 



One of my closest friends used to say that tasks don't stop by doing things all the time.. So you just have to sometimes stop to do things. ❤ Christmas time you can always find more and more to do. Christmas cards, foods and baking, gifts, cleaning, helping others, home decorations, Christmas parties etc.. And of course this time of the year you have to finish all of your remaining tasks at work.Festive periods can be very busy. ❤ That's why it's so important to keep reminding yourself to enjoy the moment. Otherwise Christmas is here and gone in a blink. Don't put too much to do on your hands. Try to balance everything out so that you can enjoy the Christmas preparation and decoration also. ❤ It's about enjoying the whole journey and not about enjoying it only when you get there. ❤ Everything doesn't have to be ready or perfect. You can always do more, but is it necessery? Sometimes less is more. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogaeverydamnday #art #instayoga #artist #photographer #modeling #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #arts_help #artspiration

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




Q&A More answers to your questions. ❤ HOW IS LIFE? - Life is interesting, surprising and exciting. Especially at the moment. I like the quote "Life is though but so are you.". ❤ HOW LONG HAVE YOU PRACTICED YOGA? - I've done yoga for many years now but this year I started to do it daily. I've had a really sporty lifestyle my whole life and I've done many different sports. I've done some gymnastics when I was younger so I had a good base where to start practicing yoga and different poses from. ❤ DO YOU HAVE A BACKGROUND IN DANCE? I don't have any professional background in dancing. I've liked dancing since I was a child so I've been to dancing lessons on my free time.. Of course at home I dance all the time. ;) ❤ ARE YOU SURPRISED BY YOUR 70K FOLLOWERS IN LESS THAN 5 WEEKS? -Yes I'm. Totally. Absolutely. Now the number is more than 85K and I can't really understand all of this.. Everything has happend so quickly. This is a little bit scary but I'm also happy about all this and that you guys understand my art and account in the right way. Thank you for all the support. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #instayoga #artist #photographer #modeling #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #arts_help #artspiration

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




Many people have asked where am I from etc..I would like to keep this account anonymous because I think it's not about who but about what the account stands for. ❤ Anyway I feel that it's nice to change thoughts with you because there is so many who are interested in same kind of things. Even if you don't know my name, there is a  person behind this account. ❤ Today I wondered if you would have any questions for me that come to your mind?! ❤ I'll will read them all and pick up some off the most popular subjects and answer to them in the captions of some of my upcoming photos. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogini #art #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




My account is anonymous but if you want to know a bit more about me... @thecut / @nymag asked me a few questions. ❤ One of my answers below. Why did you want to create this account? I always try to find new ways to express myself. I'm very inspired by yoga and photography, so I wanted to bring the two of them together in a pure way. I also love to write and give people tips for healthier and happier lives. My biggest issue in the past was that I saw faults in my body all the time, and that made it impossible for me to love myself fully. The way you look doesn't matter — anybody can see faults and have that feeling of not liking themselves. With my account I want to inspire people to realize that everybody is very beautiful and capable of [doing] amazing things with their bodies. Yoga helped me accept my body exactly the way it is. Nowadays people can easily get a very false idea of ideal beauty and what nudity truly means because it's shown mostly in a sexual and unrealistic way. #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogini #art #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




I notice daily, how I take some things for granted if I don't stop to think about them... Health, freedom, peace, work, clean water, electricity, being able to move, family, friends, home.. ❤ Only when you lose one thing, you realize how precious and important it truly is. I try consciously to avoid this from happening and remind myself. Gratitude is one of the most important things in happiness. ❤ We have a habit of always wanting more. More and better... We moan about our own and how other people and the rest of the world is insufficient. If we concentrate less on our defects and think instead of all the things we can be happy about, we realize how rich we truly are. ❤ Every single one of us has many gifts. Many reasons to be happy and grateful for, even during tougher times. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #inspiration #fit #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




I've been so touched about the way people have responded to my account and understood my art.❤ A month ago I was very nervous about starting this account but you all have been very encouraging, positive and have shared your thoughts with me. Thank You❤ I've been especially baffled and happy about how many of you have sent me emails and DM's to ask me if I sell my photos or as posters. To be honest I hadn't even thougth about it beforehand and I planned to do this just as Instagram art. Should I seriously consider posters etc...?!? 🙊 #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #inspiration #fit #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




I have always loved different kind of sports. I love the feeling what you get when your body is cabable of doing different things. ❤ Most of my days I'm sitting in front of a computer and thinking. It’s very relaxing and nice to just do something physical. When I do running or core training I do things mechanically and my thoughts can ​​wonder elswhere. In yoga I really have to focus on my breath and movements. ❤ When I do difficult poses I forget the whole other world around me. Each one of my cells is involved in the movement. After that I feel usually physically tired and relaxed but my mind is energetic and refreshed.❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #health #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #justartspiration

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




Today I want to write about courage. I've always tried to do things in my life that challenge me. But courage doesn't mean not getting scared or afraid of something. Courage means that fear is not going to stop you. I have feared many things in my life until I've done them. This account also requires courage from me.. But I think if you want to do something different in life you can't be too afraid of what all the other people are going to think about you. For me the meaning of life is to live fully.. And that means doing things with courage. Challenges make me feel alive. ❤ We can't always succeed but we can try again tomorrow. That is showing courage too. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




Pablo Picasso painted his work in 3 minutes and asked a very big amount of money for it. The buyer was wondering about the high price and thought it was out of order for a job of three minutes. Picasso responded. ”No, it took 30 years and 3 minutes”. Those 30 years included all the learning, self developing, training, informations and skills to do the painting. Sometimes it seems that things are just gifted, talent or good luck.. but behind it there is years of hard work.❤❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #model #modeling #yogainspiration #love #coreofgratitude #flexible #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




This is one of my favorite poses.❤ I can't do it perfectly yet but you don't improve if you don't practice. Everybody are beginners at first. I think that in yoga or life we are never ready. We can always learn. That's doesn't mean that we couldn't be proud of ourselves and what we can already do. ☺ I think it would be a little bit boring without any goals. What about you? Have you found balance between being satisfied about what you already can do and wanting to be better at it? ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove  #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #dailyyoga #artist #photographer #model #yogainspiration #love #coreofgratitude #instagram #aloyoga

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),




Life goes faster than we think but still a lot of times we think "tomorrow, I will do that tomorrow or later". But you never can be sure what’s going to happen next. If you really dream about something (and I hope you do), why wait for it? The meaning of life isn’t to live just because of duty, expectations and tasks. Do things that make yourself happy and use your time to be with people that you care about the most. I’ve had a principle in my life for as long as I can remember: do something  nice everyday. We always have enough time to do what we want the most. A relaxing Sunday to you. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove  #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #love #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #meditation #pilates  #yogagirl #instayoga #artist #photographer #model #yogainspiration #love #coreofgratitude #art #instagram #danielwellington #dwpickoftheday

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),










First I thought that I will do this account totally anonymous. Hiding my face, no name, no personality behind it.. Publish naked pictures for public was something that I never thought of. Maybe you also thought that "nude_yogagirl" has to be something very embarrasing or vulgar. But actually I want to show that our body and nudity is something really natural and in it's own way absolutely beautiful with all the shapes and curves. I think it's more artistic do it this way, being simply just who I am and in my opinion I don't show too much.. And before all, we shouldn't worry so much about what other people think of us! Anyway, you all have been very kind and encouraging. Thank You❤ So today I'm showing a little bit more of myself :) #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove  #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #love #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #meditation #pilates  #yogagirl #instayoga #body #mind #soul #artist #photographer #model #yogainspiration #love #coreofgratitude #art #instagram

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl),





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