FOTO Neuveriteľná premena: Zo štíhleho chlapca sa stalo "monštrum"

NETKY.SK • 5 November 2015, 15:16 • 2 min
FOTO Neuveriteľná premena: Zo štíhleho chlapca sa stalo "monštrum"

NEW YORK – Toto je príbeh o chlapíkovi, ktorý bol extrémne štíhly a stalo sa z neho „monštrum“, ktoré vyzerá tak, že môže ihneď hrať Hulka. Je to príbeh Maryna Forda, ktorý sa zaťal a zo štíhleho mladíka sa stal 147-kilový muž.


left justify in out



Ok so many people have messaged me about getting weight on. I'm holding the secret, FOOD. No matter what people presume or shout about, this is very much needed! It's vital. So this post is aimed at the new comer, the fresh starter and skinny kid. Aim to hit 6 meals at first, you need to start the day well, make sure you eat pretty much as soon as you wake up, no excuses , this is vital! For the hard gainer I would aim for a macro breakdown of 40% carbs and 30% protein and fats. Looking at around 25-35g protein each meal, and consuming around 40-60g carbs and 10-15 g healthy fats, these are very much guesstimates! But will get you in the ball park at least. Consume vegetables with All meals and try to mix up the types of whole food your eating. Prepare your food to take with you, never leave the house with no food! Vital mistake made by many! Drink plenty of water And record results, if not weight is going on, increase your calories by around 350-500 kcal per day. And last of all, good luck! #food #training #articles #martynford

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Martyn Ford (@martynford1982),


Martyn chcel byť profesionálny hráč kriketu, ale jeho kariéru ukončilo zranenie v jeho 18-tich rokoch. Potom sa dal na behanie a schudol takmer 80 kilogramov a jeho telo malo iba 4% tuku. Pre britské médiá povedal, že sa potom dostal k cvičeniu.




We have all been there, no one accidentally grows muscle! However it often seems impossible to get good advice on how they did it! After been in that place, so desperate to grow and feel better about myself, I know how frustrating it can be. So here are a few notes to help you on your journey. Most common mistakes people make when trying to grow are: •under eating •overtraining •poor exercise form •not training the muscles hard enough •poor training structure Ok I'm going to focus on over training here! The biggest mistakes new comers or those who are desperate to grow is they simple do to much volume and not enough intensity/quality. There is a simple physiological fact when it comes to building muscle. If a muscle is to grow in strength and size it must first fully recover from the last exercise session using that/those body parts. The average person usually takes between 24-48 hours for there muscle to recover. It is during this time that the muscle feeds, repairs and grows. It is common for a new comer to recover faster than intermediate or advanced individuals. This is why a 3 day alternate day split is ideal for new starters. Recovery time (est) •beg 48 hrs •int 72 hrs •adv 96 hrs This is mainly due to how intense an advanced athlete can push there body, needing longer recovery time. So with all this in mind be sure to eat, train and rest properly for optimal and faster gains! Train smarter not harder! Hope this makes sense and sinks in, if helps just one person feel better about themselves in weeks to come it was worth the thumb act writing this has caused me! Lol #help #guidance #support #family #betabodz #martynford

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Martyn Ford (@martynford1982),


„Chcel som len byť väčší, nikdy som nemal nejaké veľké ciele. Prešlo dvanásť rokov a moje telo stále dokáže viac a viac. Najväčšia premena mi trvala asi dva až tri roky,“ povedal Martyn.




Jeho monštruózne telo mu zabezpečilo aj kariéru v herectve, už si zahral po boku niekoľkých superhviezd.





„Herectvo prišlo ku mne náhodou. Ľudia mi vždy hovorili, že by som mal byť vo filme, ale nedával som tomu nejaké veľké šance. Jedného dňa môj kamarát – skvelý herec, ktorý bol už v niekoľkých hollywoodskych filmoch, mi navrhol aby som išiel na kasting na zápornú postavu v poslednom Jamesovi Bondovi. Jeho agent mi dohodil kasting, avšak tú rolu som nedostal. Naštartovalo to moju hereckú kariéru. Podpísal som zmluvu s agentom v Londýne a už som točil jeden pilot pre americkú televíziu v Južnej Afrike,“ prezradil o svojej budúcnosti Martyn.




Martyn momentálne skončil natáčanie filmu s názvom Neporaziteľný 4 (Undisputed 4), kde hrá muža s prezývkou „Nightmare“ (Nočná mora).




Tajomstvo jeho postavy




Overtraining and achieving your goals! Ok so this may be a conflicting area here, however fact is overtraining is real, no matter how many pre training drinks, energy tablets or stimulants you take, if your body is exhausted your wasting your time! The only time I would say this doesn't apply is the later stages of a strict diet for a show , there is a point where you must over train to bring down all your fat. But this isn't long term progressive training, that is purely short term goals. If your anything like me, where fitness of some kind is your life, your driven for success and will do anything to get there. I guarantee you often overtrain, and maybe like me have hit burn out before. Burnout is horrible! You literally can't function, not just in the gym, in everyday life! The older I have become, the wiser. Learn from your mistakes. More isn't always better, in simple terms look at this scenario. I have a nail positioned on top of some wood, I got that nail 100 with a sponge mallet, it doesn't go in, I then use a proper hammer, the nail goes in fully with 1 strike. You see by using the correct method you get success, it does matter how many times you try to achieve your target of your doing it wrong, you will never get there! Remember in order to gain success in the gym the workout is only part of the calculation. Nutrition, rest, progressive training, supplementation and sleep patterns all have to be planned for also! Train smarter not harder to achieve your goals #martynford #tips #planning

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Martyn Ford (@martynford1982),


Keď začal trénovať, Martyn povedal, že jedlo bolo najdôležitejším faktorom jeho programu. Je veľmi dôležité prijať živiny navyše, nielen tie, ktoré počas tréningu spálil. Denne skonzumuje 6500 až 7000 kalórií.




„Nejlepšiu radu, akú vám môžem dať je bádať! Je mnoho ľudí, ktorí jednoducho začnú trénovať a myslia si, že dvíhaním váh, automaticky dosiahnu výsledky. Vedomosti sú nástrojom a v dnešnom svete je ich na internete veľmi ľahko získať,“ dodal Martyn.




We all have a starting point, don't let that put you off! Become who you want not who you are, if your not happy-CHANGE! I have literally doubled my size, I was so thin and ill due to a strange time of my life, I lost weight fast when I was younger due to stress, it took me 12-18 months to really over come the illness, and I came back fighting. People often presume you have always been the way you are today, very quick to judge and assume. Where you have been makes you who you are, so I really appreciate everything I have now as it wasn't always like this. Change is possible, you just have to want it enough to do something about it. Not just change in the physical sense, I mean life! Don't give up, or you will never know what you could become! #martynford #motivation #focus #positive

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Martyn Ford (@martynford1982),




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