Švajčiarsko ostáva klimaticky neutrálne do roku 2050

NETKY.SK • 29 August 2019, 09:44 • 2 min
Švajčiarsko ostáva klimaticky neutrálne do roku 2050

ŽENEVA - Švajčiarsko chce byť do roku 2050 klimaticky neutrálnou krajinou.


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Tamojšia vláda v stredu oznámila, že si tento cieľ stanovila "na základe vedeckých zistení", ktoré vlani zverejnil výbor odborníkov Organizácie Spojených národov (OSN) na klímu. Do roku 2050 "by Švajčiarsko nemalo vypúšťať viac skleníkových plynov ako je možné absorbovať prirodzene alebo technickými prostriedkami," oznámila vláda v stanovisku.



Good morning “Schwarzsee”! On this beautiful morning, the waters of the Lai Nair or Lej Nair (“Black Lake”) fail to live up to their name, the azure blue bathed in the warm light of the morning sun. The little mountain lake in the Lower Engadin @engadinscuolzernez can be reached from Scuol and Tarasp, with a footpath leading to the lake itself. We recommend the hike from Scuol through the Clemgia gorge via the hamlet of Avrona. Once you arrive at Lej Nair, you can unpack your picnic or take the opportunity for a barbecue - in contrast to the better-known Lej da Staz, you will meet fewer visitors here. If you’re not an early riser but still wish to see how the lake looks in the early morning hours like @dominik.kobler, we have good news for you. If you stay here until sunset you won’t be disappointed ;-) Thanks for the atmospheric photo!

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Switzerland Tourism (@myswitzerland),

Ostatné krajiny, medzi nimi i Veľká Británia, Francúzsko a Švédsko, si cieľ uhlíkovej neutrality zakotvili v zákone. Očakáva sa, že takto bude na budúci rok konať aj Nemecko.

Zníženie skleníkových plynov na nulu si podľa vedcov vyžaduje výrazné zmeny v hospodárstve krajín a takmer úplný koniec spaľovania fosílnych palív. Je to však jediný spôsob, ako v tomto storočí zastaviť globálne otepľovanie, aby nepresiahlo hranicu 1,5 stupňa Celzia v porovnaní s teplotou pred industrializáciou.



It is hard to think of another village in the Bernese Oberland that has the picture-postcard mountain village charm of Wengen, situated 400 metres above the Lauterbrunnen Valley. A scattering of holiday chalets, hotels dating back to the belle epoque and nostalgic wooden houses make a perfect mix in @wengen.swiss - even if the photo by @sebastianeppler only hints at the delights in store. However, he has done full justice to the impressive rocky crags. Wengen is located on a kind of sheltered sun terrace, guaranteeing more than average sunshine and also offering a great view of famous peaks like the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. You can reach the car-free village in @madeinbern by taking the Wengernalp railway from Lauterbrunnen. Once you have arrived in the village, you’ll find that Wengen is an ideal location for hiking and touring and thanks to 15 cable cars and over 500 kilometres of marked trails, is a great starting point from which to reach the most beautiful lookouts and major destinations in @jungfrauregion. Thanks for the great photo!

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Switzerland Tourism (@myswitzerland),


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