FOTO a VIDEO Tento muž trávi jediný voľný deň v týždni strihaním bezdomovcov

NETKY.SK • 2 Júl 2015, 16:00 • 2 min
FOTO a VIDEO Tento muž trávi jediný voľný deň v týždni strihaním bezdomovcov

SYDNEY – Austrálčan sa stal slávnym vďaka tomu, že využíva svoj jediný deň voľna v týždni na to, že zadarmo strihá bezdomovcov.


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Nasir Sobhani alias The Streets Barber (Holič ulice), je bývalý narkoman a tvrdí, že týmto nesobeckým činom sa snaží splatiť svoju vďačnosť za to, že je „čistý a opäť zdravý“.


Dvadsaťšesťročný Nas ako ho priatelia volajú dostal priestor v dokumente od PLGRM, v ktorom rozpráva o svojom príbehu a projekte „Clean Cut Clean Start“



Nas pracuje šesť dní v týždni a svoj jediný deň voľna využíva na to, že zadarmo strihá bezdomovcov. Tvrdí, že prišiel na to ako sa zavďačiť a stále robí to, čo ho baví.


Odkedy prekonal svoju závislosť, Sobhani má pozitívny vplyv na životy ľudí s ťažkým osudom.




Hey guys, my name is Nasir Sobhani. I'm just giving a quick update to those who are interested in what I do. I'm a barber. It's not a hobby, it's a is helping others. I would say first hand this mentality came from my Baha'i upbringing as well as my beautiful family, both immediate and extended ( the Sobhani/Norani clan) - who have spent most of their lives offering their services to various communities throughout the world. I use to see a homeless person and give them some loose change thinking iv done my part for the day, but I realized that wasn't enough. So I tried offering food/drink instead of something as meaningless as money - and even then I began thinking that wasn't enough. I wanted to help out more then just remind them that they are constantly taking from society and have nothing to give back. So then I thought I'd do something a little different for our brothers and sisters on the streets - I decided I'll give free haircuts and offer companionship in hopes that they'll feel good about themselves and believe they are worthy enough to receive this attention from a complete stranger - something iv realized is almost a foreign concept to those iv spoken with. I hope that once they feel good about themselves they are willing to try their very best to change their frame of reference and do everything they can to help others feel the way they do - happy, rejuvenated and confident. You may think it's not possible but that won't stop me believing in them or myself. People ask me what I'm going to do now that things have started rolling and my work has begun to receive a bit of publicity - I just tell them "the same thing I was doing before this all happened" because you see guys, I didn't do this for anything else but to help those in need - and one day people will start getting less interested in what I do and someone will come by and do FAR greater things...when that happens you'll STILL find me on the streets trying to help people feel beautiful about themselves - cuz I'm the streets' barber. #cleancutcleanstart #thestreetsbarberproject #thestreetsbarber

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Nasir Sobhani (@thestreetsbarber),





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