FOTO + VIDEO Krásne! Šikovná žena vytvára zo starých odevov pre svoje dcéry hotové módne kúsky

NETKY.SK • 15 Máj 2017, 11:18 • 2 min
FOTO + VIDEO Krásne! Šikovná žena vytvára zo starých odevov pre svoje dcéry hotové módne kúsky

SALT LAKE CITY - Sarah Tyau má neskutočný talent! Staré ošúchané odevy premieňa na nádherné kúsky.


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Američanka Sarah dokáže premeniť svadobné šaty na letné “šatičky”, kožené bundy na kabelky, z džínsových šiat ušije overal! So svojím talentom na neváha podeliť aj na sociálnej sieti, kde už má viac, ako 50-tisíc sledovateľov. 


S úpravou starých šiat začala Sarah pred šiestimi rokmi. Práca s ihlou a nožnicami jej išla tak dobre, až sa rozhodla šiť odevy aj pre svoje dve dcéry Adi  a Anu, ale tiež pre seba. Mnohé zo šiat našla v second handoch, ale aj v rôznych charitatívnych predajniach.


Práca jej ide naozj od ruky. Na úpravu jedného modelu potrebuje približne tri hodiny. Súčasťou snahy 33-ročnej maminy je tiež znížiť množstvo odpadu, ktoré nadmerná výroba a predaj vytvára. „85 percent textílií skončí v odpade, kde zaberá asi 5 percent plochy každej skládky. Neznášam vyhadzovanie oblečenia a sanžím sa byť veľmi šetrná pokiaľ ide o textílie,“ povedala Sarah.



The backview of my ruffle sleeve dress refashion from a large men's shirt. Project cost: $4 Estimated time: 2.5 hours Skill level: A confident beginner or an Intermediate Full tutorial at _____________________________________________________________ A new blog post "Dear parents at Easter egg hunts, you need to calm down." is up. Two days ago at an Easter egg hunt for 1-5 yr. olds, my son was running towards a giant golden egg when a mom ran and snatched it away before any kids had a chance. And she wasn't the only mom running towards the golden egg!🙈 . . Here's our family rule at Easter egg hunts: 1. When we go to these hunts and I see that there are lots of kids and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of eggs, I give my children the maximum number of eggs they can pick up. Usually 10 I say. Once they pick up 10, I scope out the situation and if there are still plenty of eggs, I give them the go. 2. Whether I’ve already given them a limit or not, I walk with them and when I see that they got enough eggs(enough as in enough to go around for all the other kids), I tell them to stop, that they got enough eggs and let’s let the other kids get them, especially the younger ones whom are slower at running. 3. After the hunt is over, we walk around and try to find the kids whom are crying. Then my kids all share their eggs with the crying kids. We let the kids pick out the eggs themselves from the baskets instead of us grabbing the eggs and throwing it in their baskets, we think that makes it more fun for the other kids. We don’t say how many they can take, they are free to grab the number that makes them happy. . . Read my full letter on the blog || link in bio. Do Easter egg hunts give anyone else a little bit of anxiety because of some parents?🙋🏻

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa YouTube | Sewing | Blogger (@sarahtyau),


This magenta dress won your vote for the next item to refashion so here it is! For a 8-minute full tutorial including tips on refashioning, other design ideas that came to mind for this dress, and me being a big dork in the bloopers, link is in bio. Thank you to everyone that voted! . Today was a crazy day, I woke up this morning to a DM from one of my followers(thank you Lexie!) telling me she saw me featured on Dailymail(hello and welcome if you came from there!👋🏼), but they never linked to my sites nor credited my photo😭(they later credited my photo in a tiny watermark but still never linking to any of my sites), then an associate producer for contacted me for permission to do a 90 second segment of my refashions on their daily morning show! This is all because of your love and support, so thank you so much, it means so much to me.😘 #memademay #memademay17

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa YouTube | Sewing | Blogger (@sarahtyau),


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