FOTO Sesterský súboj: Kardashianky vytasili pozadia!

NETKY.SK • 25 November 2016, 20:00 • 2 min
FOTO Sesterský súboj: Kardashianky vytasili pozadia!

LOS ANGELES – Všetky ženy z rodu Kardashianových sa veľmi rady predvádzajú. Dve zo slávnych sestier tentoraz vytasili pozadia.


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Najslávnejšia Kardashianka Kim spolu so sestrou Khloe ukázali svoje gigantické pozadia pre nemecký magazín 032c.  Ich polonahými zadkami sa to však nekončilo.




Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian 📸 @mertalas and @macpiggot for new winter issue of #032c. THIS IS THE LIMIT The place somewhere outside of some city. This is the dirt of that limit. The pulverized stone crushed into microprocessors. This is the face of that limit. The scaffolding that holds up a network of desire. This is the machine of that limit. A nondescript of office designing apparel for the 21st century. This is New Abu Dhabi. Since its beginning, California has been a border zone. Its landscape requires tools that deal with the edge of the known. The denim jean, suburban planning, and the personal computer were invented here. This border’s sand is the raw matter of our silicon infrastructure. As frontiers continue to shatter and contract into flattened mosaics of information, it has become more difficult to find the limit. Places like #Calabasas, an exurban sprawl located between Hollywood and Malibu, become the unlikely stage for vast ENERGY EXPERIMENTS. Calabasas is the Bethlehem of reality television and the location of @kanyewest 's Yeezy studio, an industrial space with Intel as its neighbor. The studio is a testing site for a new type of uniform, a search for the base unit of clothing. in 2016, he and Kim Kardashian West broke ground on a new Calabasas home by @axelvervoordt that remains under construction. There, they were joined by #TravisScott, #khloekardashian #AminaBlue, #YoungLord, #HafiiaMira, and #GraceBol to model the #YEEZY season 3 collection. ORDER/SUBSCRIBE 032c @ STORE.032c.COM #kimkardashian #kanyewest #helmutlanglegacy #yeezyseason

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Joerg Koch/ 032c (@032c),


Sestry nafotili aj odvážnejšiu fotografiu, na ktorej stoja kompletne mokré iba v body, takže odhaľujú takmer všetko.




Sestry fotografovala známa dvojica fotografov Mert Alas a Marcus Piggott.


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