FOTO Osobný tréner pribral 30 kíl, aby pomohol žene schudnúť

NETKY.SK • 23 Február 2016, 12:27 • 2 min
FOTO Osobný tréner pribral 30 kíl, aby pomohol žene schudnúť

LOS ANGELES – Aby uľahčil svojej klientke chudnutie, osobný tréner Adonis Hill sa rozhodol nabrať 30 kíl za tri mesiace.


left justify in out

Alissa Kaneová mala nadváhu takmer celý život, a tak sa jej tréner 35-ročný Adonis Hill z Brooklynu, ktorý prekonal svoj boj s nadváhou keď mal dvadsať, rozhodol že ju motivuje tým, že bude chudnúť s ňou.


Všetko to zachytila americká televízia a šou má názvom Fit to Fat to Fit.


Počas troch mesiacov konzumoval Adomis8-tisíc kalórií denne. Na raňajky mal šišky, na obed hot dogy a pizzu, na olovrant sladkosti a na večeru McDonald’s. Pil len sladké bublinkové nápoje. Taktiež prestal cvičiť.




Po tom, čo pribral 31 kíl mu lekári povedali, aby s tým prestal, pretože si môže ublížiť a riskuje infarkt.




#TransformationTuesday #FitToFatToFit edition WAIT! Last Year (smaller) vs This Year (bigger) .. I actually gained weight 😩 2-2-2016 on @AEtv *Click link in bio to see the full trailer I'm either crazy as phuck OR I decided a while back that I will live my life in service of others #iBeenThere I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit. -Charles de Lint #WeAreALLInThis2gether Ty:@fit2fat2fit #Fit2Fat2Fit YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW Wait until you see what I'm working for you ALL after this show #RespectTheProcess #itsYouVsYou #GodBless Brb........ #Workin

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis),


Adonis potom začal cvičiť s Alissou, ktorá pracuje ako učiteľka v New Yorku a vážila 140 kilogramov. Dvojica začala spolu cvičiť a mali aj rovnako upravený jedálniček.




#FlashBackFitToFatToFitFriday @alissabethkane People ask me .. What's your style of training? I say Its simple.... I do high volumes of COMPASSION. #HeartHealth Being compassionate involves understanding the suffering of another without feeling sorrow or pity. When there are these emotions, compassion has turned into personal unhappiness and only adds to suffering. Feeling the emotional pain of another doesn’t relieve their suffering. In actuality it adds to the collective field of unconsciousness creating suffering. If someone is suffering from hunger then it is more appropriate to provide nourishing food. If they are thirsty, provide them something to drink. If someone is in emotional pain bring your love and unconditional acceptance. It would not help people for the caretakers to go hungry and thirsty also. Although this is often the approach people take with their empathy or sympathy when people are without love and acceptance. When caretakers have emotional reaction of sadness or sorrow they nourish no one. A compassionate person brings the nourishment of love and acceptance to the situation that is starving for those emotions until someone can feed themselves. Sometimes the best action you can take to help relieve emotional suffering of another is being present with your attention on the person - #DeeperThenJustWorkingout #FITtoFATtoFIT #iKnowBecauseiBeenThereTWICE #CompassionWINS Now this is what I call ❤️ #HeartHealth #HeartMonth #AmericanHeartMonth #HeartSurgery #GoRedWearRed #AdonisMovesAmerica {--- if you find the workouts helpful please show your love my donating to my go fund ....... My walk across America to get people moving 💢LINK IN BIO💢

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis),


Adonis vedel proti čomu stojí. Do svojich 29 rokov schudol takmer 50 kilogramov, avšak druhý raz to nebolo až také jednoduché. „Veľa som makal v posilňovni, avšak veľký problém bol zdravo jesť, pretože som musel prekonať starú závislosť,“ povedal Adonis a dodal: „Zabudol som aké ťažké je chudnúť.“


Zo svojho jedálnička vyškrtol všetko nezdravé jedlo, a začal jesť jedlá bohaté na bielkoviny a tuky. Alissa vymenila nezdravé jedlo za zdravé domáce jedlá.


Po štyroch mesiacoch obaja dosiahli svoje ciele. Adonis schudol 26 kilogramov a Alissa 27.




#bbaResults #tbt #2015 All In One Year from left to right/top to bottom! Wtf was I thinking right? And Why? I'll tell you Why! Let's start by saying: "Life is crazy af"! But I can tell you this one thing for sure ... An important part of living a happy and fulfilling life includes being part of a close-knit community where you can share, help and support people you care about. It also includes being kind to strangers, and learning to replace envy and anger with understanding and empathy. It's all about HELPING those in need "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" (MX voice) I can't front a trainer it's easy to get all wrapped up in fixing your own body that you forget about helping others reach their goals. For me, when I say goals ... Goals are way past just the physical. And while its important to put yourself first, its even more important to help others whenever you can. Being generous isn’t even always about altruism – becoming more generous and compassionate will have real tangible benefits in your own life. My life is so poppin because I actually give a damn about other people.... I'm telling you it's a high like no other. You gotta try this approach to life sometime #PuffPuffGive (source: KeepInspiring) #WeAreALLInThis2gether _______________________________________ I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit. -Charles de Lint #ButImGOINGtoChangeYourMindset1st #MentalTrainingBeforePhysicalTraining #OnlyALifeLivedForOthersIsALifeWorthwhile YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #AdonisMovesAmerica and then...... #RespectTheProcess #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless FREE WORKOUTS: @flyfituniversity #FITtoFATtoFIT on @aetv every Tuesday 10/9c and check out my episode and all past episode on #Aetv on demand or download the app (commercial man voice) lol cc: 💢MY CHAMP: @alissabethkane 💢

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis),




@Alissabethkane Started at 308lbs. ... #bbaResults {-- click it! #RespectTheProcess #FITtoFATtoFIT #FitArtIsAboutSculptingTheBodyAkaCanvas Nothing beats the feeling of how proud you feel when your client @alissabethkane sends you them good 'ol progress fitting room selfies 😬 FALL IN LOVE WITH THE PROCESS, AND THE RESULTS WILL COME To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. -Buddha DAILY AFFIRMATIONS 1)A fit healthy person lives within me and today that person emerges 2) I cannot lose 100lbs this week but I can lose 3lbs and I AM 3) Today I'm shredding the pounds as I shred my self-doubt 4) I am Healthy, strong, beautiful and I'm doing this because I love MYSELF 5) I will be MY biggest fan 6) Today I will push to my limits so that tomorrow I can push through life! 7) I'm not going to allow haters to stop my my grind. #WeAreALLInThis2gether #AeTv @aetv #GodBless #AdonisMovesAmerica

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis),


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